Install Tilt Pi on Raspberry Pi (all models) – Tilt Hydrometer

Install Tilt Pi on Raspberry Pi (all models)

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New instructions updated June 12, 2024 for installing Tilt Pi on Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm released in May 2024. Feel free to contact us at for feedback or any questions.

Looking for a pre-built disk image? Skip these steps and download our updated SD card image here:

Using SSH from another computer or from the Raspberry Pi terminal, enter the following commands.

Step 1

Update Raspbian packages and install python install utility, "python3-distutils".

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python3-distutils

Step 2

Get the “aioblescan” bluetooth scanner module customized with Tilt plugin, unzip downloaded file, go to install folder, and install. Once you complete this step, you can run the command "sudo python3 -u -m aioblescan -T" to verify Tilt scanner is working. Make sure Tilt is nearby and floating if doing the test. Use "ctrl-c" to stop scanning.



cd aioblescan-master/

sudo -H python3 install

Step 3

Install node-red update script for Raspberry Pi using node-red version that works with Google Sheets web apps (this install script installs version 0.18.4 which allows following redirects of http POST requests).

bash <(curl -sL --confirm-pi --nodered-version="0.18.4" --node18

Step 4

Install dashboard ui node v2.15.5 globally for node-red and enable auto-start of node-red at boot.

sudo -H npm install node-red-dashboard@2.15.5 -g

sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

Step 5

Reboot to start node-red on boot.

sudo reboot

Step 6

Download Tilt Pi app (node-red “flow”) that uses the Aioblescan module

wget -O /home/pi/flow.json

Step 7

Run downloaded Tilt Pi app/flow in node-red:

curl -X POST http://localhost:1880/flows -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Node-RED-Deployment-Type: nodes" --data "@/home/pi/flow.json"

Step 8

In a web browser visit http://raspberrypi.local:1880/ui or http://localhost:1880/ui (if not using SSH to install). If this doesn't work, you may need to find the IP address of your Raspberry Pi and go to http://X.X.X.X:1880/ui where X.X.X.X is your Raspberry Pi's IP address.

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