Tilt™ Pi v.2 Bullseye Sep22 HDMI (RPi SD Card Image Download for use w – Tilt Hydrometer

Tilt Hydrometer

Tilt™ Pi v.2 Bullseye Sep22 HDMI (RPi SD Card Image Download for use with HDMI Port)

Same as the Tilt Pi v.2 Bullseye download but with Raspberry Pi desktop and Chromium browser installed. Use the the HDMI port and a monitor to display the Tilt Pi dashboard. The disk image will automatically boot up and load the dashboard. Now updated with the September 2022 "Bullseye" operating system to support the Raspberry Pi 4, 3 A+, 3 B, 3 B+, 2 (with WiFi and BLE adapters), 0w and 2 0w. We recommend using any Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 since the GUI needs more memory and processor than the server-only version.

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Watch our Youtube install instructions here.

Note: The disk image will automatically startup and log data upon boot, however to customize the system, "pi" is the username and "tilt" is the password.

Additional installed software includes the Raspberry Pi Desktop, Chromium (open-source version of Chrome), and additional configurations to support hands-free start up. WiFi settings can be configured either with a second desktop or laptop computer (see instructions for Tilt Pi) or by using the Raspberry Pi Desktop interface (see Raspberry Pi website for more detail on configuring WiFi from the RPi Desktop). You will need a USB keyboard and mouse as well as HDMI monitor to setup WiFi and view the Tilt Pi dashboard.